Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Make the switch to a geothermal heat system and save

Make the switch to a geothermal heat system and save
Geothermal heat systems can be installed in existing homes. Often times, they are a great alternative to oil, propane, or natural gas. When it’s time to replace your current heating system, switching to geothermal can definitely help you save.

Homeowners who switch from oil, propane, or natural gas to a geothermal heating system are overall very pleased with the results. Besides from just heating your home, a geothermal heating system also offers cooling and  hot water assist, which can further reduce your costs. The hot water assist package can save homeowners about 60 percent on their domestic water heating. In the wintertime, geothermal heat systems offer comfortable, even heat throughout the home.

When switching to a geothermal heat system, your home may require a few alterations to maximize the efficiency of the new system. For instance, duct work will be evaluated and may be sealed to prevent air leaks which reduce the efficiency of the new system. Upgrades may need to be made to your electrical service to ensure the load created by the ground source heat pump can be handled.

When it’s time to replace your current heating system, consider replacing it with a geothermal heat system. Smith Sustainable Design can show you how switching to geothermal heat can be a benefit to your comfort and your wallet.

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