Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Go green with a geothermal heating system

Go green with a geothermal heating system
Homeowners today are looking for alternatives to make their home a greener place. From using recycled building materials to choosing energy-efficient appliances, there are many ways to green a home. Installing a geothermal heating system is a significant step for homeowners, and one of the most environmentally friendly steps which can be taken, in the journey towards going green.

Geothermal heating systems use natural energy to heat and cool and home, not fossil fuels. Solar energy which hits the Earth’s surface every day is absorbed into the ground. A geothermal heating system taps into that energy. Using this energy source is very environmentally friendly, because fossil fuels are not burned and greenhouse gases are not emitted during the heating process.

While geothermal heating systems use natural energy, they also use this energy more efficiently. The temperature below ground stays at approximately 54 degrees Fahrenheit all year long, so the heat pump doesn’t use more energy to compensate for temperature fluctuations. Air source heat pumps use energy from the air outdoors, which as we know, can vary greatly even over the course of a day.

With these energy saving features, homeowners who have a geothermal heating system installed also save money. The average household benefits from energy savings of approximately 70 percent. Plus, water heating expenses can also be saved, as geothermal heating systems can be configured to provide hot water, too. A geothermal heating system allows you to use less energy for three of the major energy expenders in your home: heating, cooling, and water heating.

Choosing a geothermal heating system will help your home become a much greener place. Heating and cooling alone accounts for about 50 percent of the average home’s energy use- doesn’t this seem like the perfect place to start?

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