Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Zoning a geothermal heating and cooling system

Zoning a geothermal heating and cooling system
Maximize the efficiency of your geothermal heating and cooling system by pairing it with a zoning system. Zoning provides further control over your home or business’s heating and cooling use to further improve the overall efficiency of your system. Read on to learn more about zoning systems, and how they can be used with your geothermal heating and cooling system.

Many heating and cooling systems use the same settings for the entire structure, which can result in uneven temperatures as well as wasted energy. Not all spaces are created equal, so applying the same settings for use in every space can be an inefficient use of energy. Many spaces experience common problems, such as upper levels being much warmer than lower levels. With a geothermal heating and cooling system which doesn’t have zoning, you can’t adjust the thermostat to only provide additional cooling upstairs. To cool the upper levels, you would also be adding additional cooling downstairs where it is not needed, wasting energy as well as possibly making the area too cold for comfort.

Zoning systems work to increase the efficiency of your geothermal heating and cooling system by providing more control over how you use this energy within your spaces. By dividing your home or office into zones, a zoning system allows you to control how your geothermal heating and cooling system conditions each space independent of the others.

With a zoning system, you’ll control each zone’s conditions by using an individual thermostat. Using the zone’s thermostat, you can adjust temperature settings without affecting other areas of your home or office. Also, you can turn restrict the use of your geothermal heating and cooling system in specific zones when these areas are not in use, reducing energy waste. Maximize efficiency even further by using programmable thermostats in each zone, which can help you control energy use automatically.

Adding zoning for your geothermal heating and cooling system is a great solution to increase comfort throughout your home or office, as well as maximize on the energy savings your system can provide. To learn more about zoning solutions for your geothermal heating and cooling system, contact Smith Sustainable Design.

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