Monday, October 21, 2013

Geothermal heating and cooling systems pay you back

Geothermal heating and cooling systems pay you back
When you install a geothermal heating and cooling system at your home or business locations, you’ll receive a big payback. Geothermal systems offer many benefits that traditional heating and cooling methods do not. The price you pay to upgrade to geothermal will surely result in a big payback to you.

Geothermal heating and cooling systems are tried and true. This method of heating has actually been around for thousands of years! It is often viewed as a new technology, and while it has been perfected over the years by advancing technology, geothermal has been heating and cooling homes and businesses for longer than you may realize.

Other methods of heating and cooling don’t really pay you back. While upgrading to more energy efficient equipment promises energy savings, the improvement to your utility bills isn’t as drastic as you think. Geothermal heating and cooling systems cut energy bills by up to 80 percent- you’ll definitely notice that decrease on your monthly utility statements. These mechanical systems also have more moving parts compared to geothermal systems, and can require more maintenance and repairs, which ends up costing you more than a geothermal heat pump.

Old furnaces and air conditioners don’t always pay you back in improved comfort. Forced air systems can be noisy and can detract from the peace and serenity you’re trying to achieve inside your home. Plus, this forced air method falls short in providing consistent, even heating and cooling throughout your home- you can blame it for that one room that’s always too hot or too cold. Geothermal heating and cooling systems offer quitter operation and consistent temperatures throughout your living space.

By using a geothermal heating and cooling system, you’ll receive the payback of clean energy. You won’t be burning dirty fossil fuels and coal to create the energy your system needs- geothermal uses clean, natural energy straight from the earth! So you’ll be doing you part to help the environment while staying comfortable inside your home.

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