Friday, January 30, 2015

Protect your yard during geothermal heating and cooling system installation

geothermal heating and cooling systemIn order to install the earth loop and ground source heat pump, geothermal heating and cooling system requires a considerable space in your yard. Because the installation of this system involves digging in your yard, some homeowners are concerned about the protection of their yards during the installation process. Before you consider a geothermal heating and cooling system for your home, you should have an idea how the installations can affect your yard. The information below may help you with your  concerns about damaging in your yard.
Due to the installations of a geothermal heating and cooling system your yard will be affected somehow. There can be tire tracks in result of heavy moving machinery used in the drilling process in your yard. It depends upon some natural elements whether your yard will sustain damage or not. Muddy condition due to the water or runoff can cause deeper tire tracks and untidiness in your yard. If the ground is dry, it may cause less damage due to the heavy moving equipment.
Smith Sustainable Design help you keep the negative effects minimum while installing geothermal heating system for your home. Our team of experts evaluate the condition of your soil and other factors affecting the installation process. The purpose is to help in the design of a geothermal heating and cooling system and to install it in all conditions.
We cannot control the natural impacts, but we can decide appropriate location and design of a geothermal heating and cooling system to minimize the negative effects. Horizontal earth loop damages more area in your yard because they are aligned horizontally under the ground. Vertical earth loop however occupies lesser space but requires deep digging. No matter which design you use without digging you cannot install any earth loops.
If you want a geothermal heating and cooling system for your home, it is preferred to rely on us. Effects to your yard will disappear in a short time after the installation of geothermal heating and cooling system. You will see no changes in your yard as soon as the grass grows. Smith Sustainable Design makes sure to reduce the negative effects and protect the areas in your yard you do not want to be damaged. Geothermal heating system recovers landscaping issues in a short time after the installation and provides long lasting and energy efficient way of cooling and heating your home.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Ground source heat pumps and air source heat pumps

Ground source heat pumps and air source heat pumps
Ground source heat pump systems utilizes heat energy from the earth to keep your home warm. One important component of geothermal heating systems is a heat pump that regulates temperature distribution in your home. Heat pumps can be of different types, but the one used in geothermal heating systems is ground source heat pump which uses earth as a heat source. Air source heat pump is one of the other types of heat pumps, works similarly to ground source heat pump, but uses air as a heat source. It is important to understand the working of ground source and air source heat pumps to get an idea about the differences between both heat sources.
Ground source heat pumps are used in geothermal heating systems. Ground source heat pumps use earth’s energy in the form of heat. Heat energy circulates in the earth loop and warms the indoors. The name of the pump indicates that it uses ground or earth as a heat source. The earth absorbs a lot of heat energy from the sun and interior of the earth is a constant temperature. This temperature within the earth remains stable throughout the year and can be used to keep your structure warm regardless of low outdoor temperatures. We install ground source heat pumps inside the home to keep it protected from the severe cold weather of New Jersey. 
 Air source heat pump consumes heat from the atmosphere to keep your building heated. Air in the atmosphere contains energy in the form of heat that can be used to warm indoors. The question is  how can air source heat pumps maintain warm temperatures indoors when outdoor atmosphere is cold. The largest heat source, sun, is always giving heat energy to the air however the intensity of heat can vary because of the weather conditions. This means that heat can be extracted from the air in every season, but its quantity may not achieve the purpose of heating during the cold. The temperatures in winters can get extremely low in New Jersey and Pennsylvania and can stop air source heat pump from providing enough energy that you need to warm your place. So you will need an extra heat source to meet your heating requirements in the winters.
Ground source heat pumps also work to provide cooling indoors in the summer. It extracts hot air and humidity from the indoors to lower the temperature. Ground source heat pumps collect heat from your home and transfer that heat into the earth passing by refrigerant.  The earth loop of heat pump contains low-temperature fluid which absorbs the heat coming from your home. The heat containing fluid goes under the ground via pipes and transfers the heat into the earth.
Air source heat pump, on the other hand, cools indoors by collecting heat inside your home and moving it outdoors.
Both type of heat pump work on the same principle that is to move heat from higher temperature to lower temperature areas. The difference between two heat pumps is the energy sources that are air and ground. Geothermal heating system makes use of energy stored underground using ground source heat pump to cool or warm your home or office.

Monday, January 26, 2015

How do Geothermal Heat Pump Systems Work?

Geothermal Heat Pump Systems
You can keep your home or office warm in winter and cool in summer with a naturally working process of geothermal heating and cooling systems. Interior of the earth contains stable temperatures that are used to warm and cool your home. The other heating systems involve burning of fossil fuels in gas or oil furnaces which pollute the environment. Geothermal heating systems, on the other hand, are environmental friendly and more efficient in terms of energy. Let’s discuss how geothermal heating systems work to cool and heat your home.
The temperature in the atmosphere varies all year, from day to day and in different time of the day however underground temperature remains constant all year. Geothermal heating system reaches the earth’s temperature and brings it up to warm your home, or it collects the heat from your home and dumps it into the earth to cool your home. In order to make use of the earth’s energy, geothermal heating system uses a network of underground piping to circulate water.
The two main components of geothermal heating systems are the heat pump and earth loop. The temperature in the earth is stable throughout the year. Geothermal heating pump uses the temperature of the earth to warm and cool your home. The earth loop contains liquid running through the pipes within the loop. The liquid goes inside the earth and brings heat energy back to keep your home. The purpose of heat pump is distribution of heat energy, its working depends upon the season to collect heat from your home or distribute in it.
During the winter geothermal heat pump compresses the heat from the earth, liquid in pipes absorbs this heat and distributes it throughout your home. In the summer, heat pump pulls the heat from your home and throws it inside the geothermal well through the earth loop making your structure cool. Geothermal heating and cooling systems are best fit to make your home and office warm in winter and cool in summer due to the heating and air conditioning effects.
Overall efficiency of geothermal heating system is much higher than other heating systems like a gas or oil furnace. The system is energy efficient because it easily exchanges heat from the earth. If you install geothermal heating and cooling system, it can easily eliminate the price you pay for heating and cooling of your home. Energy efficiency and natural process of heating your home make geothermal heating system clean and affordable. Contact Smith Sustainable Design if you want to learn more about the working of geothermal heating system or planning to install it for your home and office. 

Friday, January 9, 2015

Is a Geothermal Heat Pump System Right for me?

Geothermal Heat Pump
A Geothermal Heat Pump System is one of the most energy efficient heating systems used to keep a home warm during winter. In order to warm your home, geothermal heat pumps pull the heat stored in the earth’s interior and transfer it into your home. Geothermal heat pumps are also used to keep your home cool during the summer. In this case heat is transferred from your home into the earth. We will explain here how you can determine that geothermal heating system is appropriate for your home or not.
New construction or existing residence?
Now we have an idea that geothermal heating systems access thermal energy from the earth to provide heat for your home. It is important to drill geothermal boring holes on your property to reach the constant temperatures in the earth. You may need a considerable area on your property allocated for the drilling of geothermal wells. It can be easily done before you have constructed your home. Pre-existing structure limits the area for the drilling of geothermal wells. However, it is possible to retrofit geothermal heating system in already build home.
Your lot
The type of geothermal heating system that would be best for you depends upon the available space in your yard. There are two major components of geothermal heating systems, a loop field, and a heating pump. The geothermal loop fields could be installed in two directions, horizontal and vertical. Horizontal loop field requires a lot of space, therefore, is more suitable in rural areas. It doesn’t require deep drilling so sometimes is less costly than vertical loop field. Vertical loop field is more common method of installing geothermal heating system. It utilizes smaller area and needs deep drilling.  Both these loop fields have their benefits and drawbacks, and both are equally effective systems of heating your home.
Your Investment
Overall cost of geothermal heating system seems extremely high and shocking to many. But in the long run, the use of a geothermal heating and cooling system returns much more than its investment. The upfront cost in installing vertical or horizontal loop fields is higher than a fossil fuel furnace heating system. The higher efficiency of geothermal heating system can payback within a short period after their installation. Your investment to install geothermal heating pump will be appreciated by the considerable reduction of utility bills and you will see the investment restored within the few years of installation. Moreover, geothermal heating system requires low maintenance in contrast to other heating systems.
